Making Money on the Internet    

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1.  All Advantage

This is the best get paid to surf program on the net.  They offer $.50 an hour with a 25 hour maximum.

2. GoTo World

This program pays $.40 and hour with a 40 hour maximum.  Be sure to sign up now and start making money.

3.  Cash Surfers

This is another good program.  They decide the amount paid at the end of the month and allow unlimited hours

4.  Spedia

This program is similiar to CashSurfers.  It pays about $.50 and hour and allows unlimited hours.


5.  Useful Download

This is a program I like to use to keep from getting logged off my internet service for being inactive.  This program moves the mouse, clicks, and randomly loads web pages.  I have no idea what else you could use this program for.

Virtual User
